Friday, March 14, 2008 update!

I'm not sure what happened, but I have totally neglected the blog! Sorry...

Well, once again, it feels like not a lot has happened. It has snowed a LOT and so we've hung out at home, eating and getting bigger (yup...all of us!). At the last round of RSV shots (March 5), Jake was 18lbs 8.5oz, Ryan was 20lbs 5.5oz and Seth was 20lbs 6.5oz! Yes, these are my 3.5lb preemie babies and there is nothing preemie about them now!! Okay, well there is really, but it's not their size. They are 8.5 months now (6.5 months corrected), but they are not yet sitting. Ryan is pretty good, but still a little tippy. Seth can hold himself up but has no balance whatsoever and Jake eats the floor when placed in a sitting position :) None of the boys can crawl yet, although they seem to find a way to make their way across the room (or at least far enough to steal someone else's toy!). Ryan can hold his own bottle now, which I have to say, is the most exciting development so far! What a time saver!!! If they would all do it, I could drink my tea while it was still hot!

We had our first overnight adventure on the Family Day weekend. We drove to 2 vehicles because we don't fit into one...and stayed 2 nights at Oma's house. We had tons and tons of visitors, which was really nice (although a bit exhausting). By coincidence, the trip happened to be at the beginning of the end to the sleeping all night thing that I was enjoying so much. Sigh. The lack of sleep and the busy days made me kind of lazy and to be honest, I didn't really take any pictures...sorry. Paul took a few, but we definitely didn't catch all the visitors. If anyone took some good pictures while you were visiting, please email them to me!

Hanging out in Oma's retro basement :) It would look funny to me any other way.

Grampa...playing Candyland with Sydney

Seth ripping Gramma Place's face off

At Oma's house

Sydney and her friend Ella went on a trip this week to the Ontario Science Centre in Toronto. I'm not sure what possessed us to bring 2 non-school aged children to the Science Centre during March break, but we still had lots of fun....the girls explored for hours, nap-free and relatively melt-down free! Great fun!

Yup...I think the gorilla has her beat

Rollin', rollin', rollin'

Caught in the act....notice that the smock is not protecting her shirt at all!!

Dr. Ella giving Sydney a check up

Derek, Nykki, Jess & Kerstin came for a March break visit. Sydney loved playing with the girls and the girls loved seeing the babies! And I....did not take any pictures...crap!

I guess I owe an update on Jake...he had an echocardiogram at MacMaster in February to see if the hole was closing on it's own. They said that the hole was much smaller and some scar tissue was forming around long story short, he's fine and they don't need to see him again! Yay! He is still, however, very, very wheezy off and on, so they are doing some more tests to see if they can rule out some things out, but basically, I think he's fine. Maybe he's allergic to our pet dust bunnies?? hahaha!

See...they started off together...Ryan can move

hmmm.....I don't know what to say...

Really good at backing up...not good at forward

Just about to enjoy her timbits :)

Caged animal

Seth seems to enjoy getting stuck under the couch much more than Ryan did!

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